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New beginnings

My last blog post was on December 7, 2017. I hadn’t planned on taking so long to start writing again. Sometimes, things don’t work out the way we intend, right?

The past three months have been a time of growth and development for me. One thing that sometimes irritates me about myself is the lag in time required for me to learn something new, embrace change, and to start implementing new tools into my life. I’ve always been this way and only now do I completely accept this personal trait. It’s neither a “good” nor “bad” trait- it just is. I learn something and need to marinate in it for a bit before I truly comprehend. This past three months, subsequent to treatment, have been an amazingly stressful and beautifully revealing time. Just when I thought that I had faced all of the demons, I realized that they will always be there. If not the same ones, then new or different ones. That’s life. And, I’m so grateful that I’m being given the opportunity to live it and experience all of its uncertainties.

I find myself more frequently referring to the concepts that I learned during my time in treatment. I’ve gotten over the anger and disappointment that I experienced in regards to the particular facility that I chose to attend. I believe that anything in regards to them will be taken care of and that their issues are no longer my concern. I’ve said what I need to say about them and made peace with that part of my journey. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take time off from work, with minimal disruption, in order to focus on the eating disorder.

Life may not be absolutely perfect for me right now and I do see the improvements and want to share those changes with anyone who cares to read my blog. I have so much that I want to discuss and I’m back on track to do just that.

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